Monday, October 15, 2012

Education Standards Scaled To Meet Demographics

The left, for years, cried that the education system was lopsided and favored certain demographics (mostly by race). Of course, they did so while advocating for racially segregating the schools.

Then they called for national education standards and a means to grade the education programs on a common scale across the nation. Then, when such were established, they claimed the standards were unfair and favored certain segments of the population while handicapping others based upon cultural and racial differences.

Over the years, since the 1970 when those national standards started creeping into how local school districts were run and graded, those standards were reduced, slowly but steadily, to meet these "cultural" differences, thereby setting standards according to the lowest common denominator instead of potential and highest expectations. Doing so has created incentives to do the bare minimum and be lauded as "above average" for doing so.

Along came the 1990s when it suddenly became taboo to fail a student who was not achieving. Competition started to be weened out. Spelling bees were seen as bad because they discriminated against certain ethnic groups. Competition was bad because it didn't bring about any form of unity. We saw this in sports, academics, and across the board.

Now we see that those "national standards" are not as uniform as suspected. For example, The Florida Board of Education grades students according to race. The new plan sets goals based upon a student's race, not their actual abilities. If the student is Asian, for example, their proficiency level for math is set at 92% while blacks are set at 74%. I wonder how former presidential candidate Herman Cain feels about being told his math abilities are, racially, below the expectations of his non-black classmates. Mr. Cain has a degree in Mathematics and is a successful business man.

Florida wasn't the first state to do so. Virginia passed similar legislation in August.

Some states expect students of different cultural backgrounds to have special treatment, such as Texas, which has classes for exclusively Spanish-speaking students. These are not ESL-type classes, either. The students are not expected to learn English.

In Georgia, one school district went so far as to cheat on standardized tests in order to counteract the alleged racial biases in the tests. For some reason, 2+2 doesn't always equal 4, and can equal 3, according to this manner of thinking.

So, they screamed for a national standard, with the idea that such testing could be used to identify areas that needed better attention to educating the students. When the students in those areas fail to improve, it means either the standards are biased or certain collectives (by race) need different, "more fair", special standards.

However, most public education systems in this country are dominated by union-thug-loving, left-leaning, Frankfort School ideologue indoctrinators. They permeate the district administrations and even the school boards. So, it would follow that they wish to break students up and have them identified by their ascribed collectives.

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