June 14th is an important day. On the federal calender is holds two important dates of significance, both worthy of celebration. Even those who may argue the reasons for celebrating will acknowledge solemn assent to observe the day in at least some capacity.
Flag Day originated in 1885, conceived by a school teacher in Wisconsin. This was back in the days when schools still taught an amount of respect and reverence for our great republic and the beloved US Constitution that forms the supreme law of the land.
In 1889, word of commemorating the date our flag was adopted (June 14, 1777) spread to other educators. A kindergarten teacher in New York named George Balch planned a ceremony for his students as well. By 1893, several states and historical societies had Flag Day festivities instituted as regular events.
In 1916, ultra-progressive President Woodrow Wilson, in the middle of World War I, issued a proclamation calling for nation-wide celebrations of Flag Day. The intent was to increase patriotic awareness within a country at war in Europe.
Through an act of congress, President Truman signed into law in August of 1949 that June 14th be designated Flag Day as a national holiday.
However, June 14th holds an even older significance. On June 14th, 1775, the colonies joined together and established the US Army. Though this was more than a year prior to the official issuance of the Declaration of Independence, the colonies were already at war. The Declaration enumerates several crimes King George committed against free and independent people. However, by June 14, 1775, the colonists already had their fill of most of these crimes. People who believed in the Natural Rights as described by John Locke and a better way of self-governance proposed by men like Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington took up arms in what was thought to become a fruitless effort.
By June 14th, 1775, several battles to defend individual rights had already taken place. With word that more British Redcoats were inbound to "suppress the upstart insurrections", John Adams approached the Continental Congress. The congress approved a $2,000,000.00 (2 Million) dollar allocation to fund, equip, organize, and train the volunteers in Boston and New York to defend those cities against the British Invasion. The act of congress also formed 10 companies of infantry from Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. George Washington was placed in charge of the units on June 15, 1775. He formally took command on July 3, 1775 in a ceremony in Boston.
While July 4th is the day to celebrate our posting of consolidated grievances for the crimes committed by King George, our extended middle digits in his general direction, and the birth of our nation; the war for our liberty began more than a year prior.
June 14th should be celebrated with almost as much fanfare. It marks the birthday of that proud symbol of our great nation, its thirteen original colonies, our current 50 beautiful states, our moral values, the blood we shed to protect her, and our loyalty to each other. It is also the day to celebrate the first national military force that stood up to fight for her birth, our liberty, and our way of life.
October 13th 1775, the US Navy was established. (October 12th is "Constitution Day") November 10, 1775 the Marine Corps was formed (November 11th is "Veterans' Day"). The US Air Force was established as a force separate from the US Army on September 18, 1947.
Mark those dates on your calender as well.
God Bless the USA!
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