Thursday, May 2, 2013

Plan B and Bubble Gum Please

"I'll take a pack of bubble gum and a bubble pack of Plan-B, please."

Those words may raise your eyebrows if spoken by a 19 year old college student.

Now, imagine your neighbor's 15 year old daughter speaking them at your local convenience store.

Imagine your own daughter speaking those same words.

Beyond the shudders of horror the image invokes in many parents is the irony.

That same sexually active 15 year old would need a note from a parent as well as a note from a doctor to take the antibiotics she was prescribed for that STD she acquired in the same instance that prompted the need for the Plan-B pills.

She would have to go to the school nurse with those notes and request the nurse to administer her those antibiotics.

Meanwhile, her friend is practicing abstinence and wants to wait until she can maturely handle the responsibilities that come with being sexually active. But her friend suffers from monthly cramping and needs at least some over-the-counter relief. She needs the same notes of approval from the parents.

The rub is that the school nurse can deny the students their medications.

But don't worry, they can go to the convenience store across the street and buy Plan B.

An elementary school child can have an extreme asthma attack. If the notes aren't on file, the child will be denied a life-saving inhaler. That inhaler has been prescribed by a doctor with the child told to have it on-hand for use at the first signs of an asthma attack. By the time the child gets permission to see the nurse, critical time has passed. The attack may progress  to the point the child needs a trip to an emergency room.

But don't worry. When she turns 15, she can buy the "morning after" abortion pill, Plan-B, over the counter, without parental permission, on her way home from school.

The US Dept. of Health and Human Services had the Food and Drug Administration lower the age of consent for purchase of Plan-B to 15 years.


For Immediate Release: April 30, 2013
Media Inquiries: Erica Jefferson, 301-796-4988,
Consumer Inquiries: 888-INFO-FDA

FDA approves Plan B One-Step emergency contraceptive without a prescription for women 15 years of age and older

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced that it has approved an amended application submitted by Teva Women’s Health, Inc. to market Plan B One-Step (active ingredient levonorgestrel) for use without a prescription by women 15 years of age and older.
HHS has also been pushing to force religious institutions to provide contraceptives to female students, despite that idea violating their first amendment protections of their religious beliefs.

The next step will be for HHS to force book stores in religious parochial high schools to sell Plan-B to students.

Parents now will have to work harder to show their children the benefits of making moral and mature decisions.

Plan B does not necessarily prevent impregnation. It can halt implantation if it doesn't take place before the drug takes effect.

Plan B does not prevent STDs such as AIDs, Hepatitis, Chlamydia or genital warts.

The effect of Plan B on an unborn child are not yet known. They may not be known for decades.

Plan B does not feed any children that may result from intercourse.

Plan B does not prevent any physical damage being sexually active may do to a still developing 15 year old's body.

Plan B does not prevent psychological scarring that may occur from being too immature to handle mature situations that sexual relationships incur.

No reasonable parent would approve of their 15 year old shopping at an "adult book store".

No reasonable parent would allow their 15 year old to work at at "gentleman's club".

Thankfully, it is still illegal for a 15 year old to go to a theater to see an "NC-17" or "X-rated" movie.

But the FDA asks adults to look the other way while 15 year old kids buy Plan-B pills.

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