Friday, July 11, 2014

Tea party is alive and kicking in San Antonio

The tea party is alive and kicking, at least in and around the Alamo City. Last Saturday, the San Antonio Tea Party hosted an expo and consolidated meeting. The date was picked specifically to honor George Washington’s birthday.
Gen. Washington at SATP Expo
Gen. Washington at SATP Expo | PHOTO CREDIT: Mental Aikido

The expo had representatives from the various San Antonio area conservative, libertarian, and tea party groups, as well as candidates and authors. There were pro-second amendment activists, pro-life activists, and anti-common core activists. They, along with politicians, set up booths full of all sorts of free stuff, and stuff for sale. Several local candidates did “grip and grins”.

The presentations revolved around two key topics. The topics are lined though the connecting lines weren’t apparent until partway through the second presentation. Those topics were on how we can save our kids’ education and an overview of Agenda 21.

During the presentations, anybody thinking the tea party is dead or no longer significant just needed to pop into a corner and look around the room.  The expo area was full. Almost every seat was taken. Had those in the expo sat down, it still would have been a standing-room-only event. Bexar County, Texas, at least, the tea party is alive and kicking.

The event filled the space to capacity despite several campaigns hosting luncheons and other social events in and around the city at the same time. The crowd attending definitely contradicts claims from some establishment Republicans and the Democratic Party that “The tea party is dead and broken”.

Many smaller community or rural area tea party affiliated organizations may not use the term “tea party”. Some use “constitutional conservatives”. Some used “citizens for government reform”.  Some use “9/12″ in their name. By and large, their ideologies and goals are the same as those strictly labeled as “tea party”.
These groups didn’t change their names to “distance” themselves from the tea party. They’ve had these names since their formation. Many of them predated the tea party’s formation. Others sprung up around the same time.

In a time plagued with allegations of disunity and divisive factors affecting the conservative movement and the GOP, it was nice to see how untrue this really is at the grassroots level.

It’s an election year. Of course there will be some divide in the conservative organizations. After the primaries conclude is when we should see everybody unify behind the chosen nominees. Remember the words Jefferson penned in the  “Declaration of Independence“:
“Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.”
Campaign season is called a “political battle” for a reason. The candidates are in a war of ideology and priorities on issues. When those battles end, the dust settles, and the primary victors emerge, we all need to rally behind the chosen nominees. When that time comes, we all have common opponents. #War.
Keep checking Brenner Brief News for further articles from the expo.

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